It has been said over time that feeding alone accounts for close to or a little over 60% of animal production, whether ruminants or non-ruminants
The act of making the animals have access to the feed is called FEEDING.
Today, there are many ready made feeds available, some companies are at the top of this ladder, companies like Top Feeds and the rest.
Some private feedmills do produce their own feed for commercial Purposes, and reports show that their feeds are quite okay.
Today, we will be discussing how to formulate feed for poultry and pigs.
To adequately formulate feed for your animals, the following should be put into consideration.
- Age of the animal
- Nutritional needs of the animal.
- Availability of the raw materials
- Cost and quality of the raw material.
Poultry feed is divided into
Chick mash should contain 20-24% crude protein and 2800-2900kcal of energy
Starter feed 20-24% crude protein and 2900-3100kcal of energy
Growers feed should have Protein content of about 16-17%, energy about 2500-2700Kcal
Layers feed should have protein content of about 18%, energy between 2700-2800Kcal.
Finisher feed should have protein content of about 18% and energy about 3100Kcal
Pig feed is divided into
Creep feed should contain 20-24% crude protein and energy content of between 2900-3100kcal
Starter feed should contain 18-21% crude protein and energy of about 2650-2850Kcal
Growers feed should contain 14-16% crude protein and energy of about 2500-2600Kcal
Finisher feed should contain15-18% crude protein and energy of about 2600-2800Kcal
Pigs need far more fibre than poultry, this should be put into consideration when making their feed.
Basic calculations in animal feed formulation
Consider the pig growers formular below to make 1000kg of feed tonne)
Maize 150kg Methionine 1kg
Groundnut cake 60kg Salt 3kg
Brewers Dried Grain 140kg Lysine 2kg
Palm kernel cake 400kg Limestone 24kg
Rice bran 220kg Vitamin premix 1kg
The ingredients that supply energy and protein to the feed include: Maize, Brewers Dried Grain, Groundnut cake, Rice bran, Palm kernel cake.
Their contents: Maize, energy:3400kcal, protein, 8-10% (9% as average)
Brewers dried grain, energy 1980kcal, protein,18%
Groundnut cake, energy 2640kcal, protein 45%
Rice bran, energy, 3400kcal, protein, 12%
Palm kernel cake, energy, 2175kcal, protein, 18%
The above are their standard nutritional values agreed upon.
Maize: has an energy value of 3400kcal and the content in the feed is 150kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 150kg/1000kg x 3400= 510kcal, maize supplies 510kcal of energy to the feed.
Brewers Dried Grain: has an energy value of 1980kcal and the content in the feed is 140kg out of 1000kg. So we have 140kg/1000kg x 1980= 277.2kcal. BDG supplies 277.2kcal of energy to the feed.
Groundnut Cake: has an energy value of 2640kcal and the content in the feed is 60kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 60kg/1000kg x 2640= 158.4kcal. GNC supplies 158.4kcal of energy to the feed.
Rice bran: has an energy value of 3400kcal and the content in the feed is 220kg out of 1000kg.So we have: 220kg/1000kg x 3400= 748kcal. Rice bran supplies 748kcal of energy to the feed.
Palm kernel cake: has an energy value of 2175kcal and the content in the feed is 400kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 400kg/1000kg x 2175= 870kcal. PKC supplies 870kcal of energy to the feed.
Adding all the energy supplied together, we have: 510+277.2+158.4+748+870= 2563.6kcal of energy.
Maize: has a protein value of 9% and the content in the feed is 150kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 150kg/1000kg x 9= 1.35, maize supplies 1.35% of protein to the feed.
Brewers Dried Grain: has a protein value of 18% and the content in the feed is 140kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 140kg/1000kg x 18= 2.52, BDG supplies 2.52% of protein to the feed.
Groundnut Cake: has a protein value of 45% and the content in the feed is 60kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 60kg/1000kg x 45= 2.7% GNC supplies 2.7% of protein to the feed.
Rice bran: has a protein value of 12% and the content in the feed is 220kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 220kg/1000kg x 12= 2.64, Rice bran supplies 2.64% of protein to the feed.
Palm kernel cake: has a protein value of 18% and the content in the feed is 400kg out of 1000kg. So we have: 400kg/1000kg x 18= 7.2%, PKC supplies 7.2% of protein to the feed.
Adding all the protein supplied together, we have: 1.35+2.52+2.7+2.64+7.2= 16.41% the feed will contain, 2563.6kcal of energy and 16.41% of protein.
We have created a succinct feed formulation ebook to help you in your quest, you can get them at a discount today.
To get yours do make a transfer of 1000 to the account number below
You can CALL or CHAT us via whatsapp on 09069038697.
To your success.
NiO Agro.
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