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      Good to have you here, sure you are doing great. Today we are going to take a look at the cost of producing 1000 broilers for eight weeks.
First what is broiler? 
Broilers are domestic birds that are reared majorly for their meat, they grow faster than those reared for eggs. They are consumed all over the country and am yet to hear of a part of the country that rejects the meat of broilers.
Straight to work, we have been able to get ourselves acquainted with what broiler is, now the production expenses:
N.B: cost is made is Nigerian currency (naira #)
Purchase of 1000 day old broilers at 300 per one- 300,000
Medications (depending on maker):       Antibiotics: 7,000
Vitamins: 5,000
Deworming: 1,500
1st, 2nd 3rd Gumboro: 13,000 (Gumboro is given against infectious bursal disease)
1st, 2nd 3rd Lasota: 4000 (Lasota is given to curb Newcastle disease)
1st, 2nd, 3rd Coccidiostat: 3,000 (Coccidiostat is needed to curb Coccidiosis)
Feeding at an average of 5kg per bird from day old to sales: 500,000 (#100 per kg)
Fumigation: You can use formalin or Morigad; 5,000
Wood shavings (50 bags): 5,000, it is advised you change the litter at least twice before selling them.
Drinkers/feeders: Drinkers-4,000, Feeders-5,000
Buckets/Drum: 6,000
Wheelbarrow: 9,000
Building (is needed if you are starting fresh and don’t have one you can use): 100,000
Coal pot: 3,000
Source of water: it is believed you have a source of water before like borehole
Miscellaneous: 30,000
Total= #1002,000.00
                                   THE REVENUE
Mortality (birds that might die due to one issue or the other) 5%
5% of 1000= 50
1000-50= 950
Runts: 7%(for a first timer, the runts are those birds who won’t grow well, they have stunted growth) 7% of 950= 67
Selling at 2000 per one (worst sales price) 2000x883=1,766,000
Selling the runts at 1200= 67x1200= 80,400
1,766,000=80,400= 1,846,400
Profit= Revenue - cost
1,846,400 - 1,002,000=844,400.00
844,400 can be made in eight weeks, when the birds are well managed
You can see that broiler production is a viable business.
We are here to help you, for more info on how to set up your own farm, how to run it and how to find the right market, please reach us through the following channels:
WhatsApp: 09069038697
Email: olufisayoadewumi@gmail,com
Till next time, stay blessed


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