It has been said over time that feeding alone accounts for close to or a little over 60% of animal production, whether ruminants or non-ruminants The act of making the animals have access to the feed is called FEEDING. Today, there are many ready made feeds available, some companies are at the top of this ladder, companies like Top Feeds and the rest. Some private feedmills do produce their own feed for commercial Purposes, and reports show that their feeds are quite okay. Today, we will be discussing how to formulate feed for poultry and pigs. To adequately formulate feed for your animals, the following should be put into consideration. - Age of the animal - Nutritional needs of the animal. - Availability of the raw materials - Cost and quality of the raw material. Poultry feed is divided into Chick mash should contain 20-24% crude protein and 2800-2900kcal of energy Starter feed 20-24% crude protein and 2900-3100kcal of energy Growers feed should have Protein content of about 16...
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